Sunday, July 12, 2009

Turn for worse

Family and friends

This afternoon I noticed that bobs breathing was garbled. They did a chest xray buteverything looked ok. I insisted on a pulminologist. She said that bob has pnumonia and that he was retaining fluid in his esophpgus, his blood counts also dropped way back down and since he hadn't eaten in four days they would have to put in a feeding tube up his nose. They said they couldn't drain the fluid because they could tear something. When they put the feeding tube down they couldn't get it all the way and Bob started vomiting stomach acid. Some of it got into his lungs. His heartrate skyrocked, his oxygen dropped, and his breathing was labored. He was really scared and so was I. They put mask on him but it didn't help. The pulminologist decided they needed to put him on a breathing machine. Bob is unconcious now, has pnumonia, and his temperature is 103. They packed him with ice to try to lower the fever. They said it's hour by hour now. A priest came in to pray with him and then they made us leave.

I told Bob not to be afraid and that eveyone loves him.

Please say a prayer for Bobby


-- Post From My iPhone

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