Sunday, July 12, 2009

Platlets better, breathing not great

Family and friends,

I spoke with the doc last night about Bob's bleed test. She said that it is not a specific test and that the endoscopy is much better. They can't do another endoscopy because the scope would tear his throat. So they are pretty sure the bleeding is coming from his stomach and bowel and most likely from the ulcers. They added a protonics drip for thestomach acid and some type coating for his stomach lining I called at six am and they told me his platlets had gone up to 47,000 which is a big improvement but red blood cells still low. Then he started breathing very garbled. I got the nurse and they did a chest xray. They think he may have fluid in his lungs due to the amount of Iv products they have given him. They stopped all iv except the blood and antibiotics. We are waiting for the results of the chest xray to see what the next step will be. They hope he will just need diuretics do drain some fluid, but not sure. He has adema as well They just put him on oxygen because he says he's having a hard time breathing and made him sit upright but good news is his o2 is steady at 99.

I'd like to give special thank you to Ed Rectenwald and all the guys at his gym in Ft. Meyers. Ed told me today they will be holding their upcoming meet for Bob and donating proceeds to his medical expenses. Thank you again.

Please keep Bob in your prayers. Thank you to everyone for all the kind words of hope and encouragement.


-- Post From My iPhone

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