Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bone Marrow Aspiration

Family and Friends,

First the good news, the nephrologist said that after doubling the amount of IV fluids Bob was getting his kidney and liver counts were better today. If this trend continues then he will not need dialysis. Bob also got his bone marrow testing today. I had to watch it and it was horrible. Imagine sticking a 5 inch screwdriver into your back and scraping out a piece of bone or something like that. They won't have the results of the bone marrow test for about a week. This will tell us if the chemotherapy worked.

Bob was pretty much out of it the whole day, very disoriented and not making a lot of sense. I watched him sleep, just to make sure everything was okay since he hasn't been acting like this before. He has also come down with wicked hiccups to the point that it sounds like he's choking, and the doctor prescribed him muscle relaxers for it. He also needed 2 more pints of blood and a unit of platlets. Finally, they weighed Bob today. when Bob was diagnosed with Leukemia 14 days ago he weighed 251. Now 2 weeks later he's lost 43 pounds and is at 208.

Thanks to everyone for keeping the comments and prayers coming for Bob,


  1. praying for you Bob! wishing you a speedy recover... one day at a time!!

    Matt & Julia Ladewski

  2. Bob and Michelle,

    Hang in there and keep fighting. Bob, remember your Mom went through this and is a survivor. You will be also. Besides, you have to see your new "neice". She is adorable and I'm not sure how I'm going to leave her in the fall.

    PS: Bob, If you makes you feel any better, you weigh less than me right now.
