Thursday, July 16, 2009

No surgery today

Family and friends,

Sorry it's taken me so long to update this today, but I'm having a rough time for some reason. I would think spending all this time at the hospital coupled with the fact that I can't sleep probably has something to do with it. It's just catching up with me.

Anyway enough about me. Bob is hanging tough. They took 2.75 liters off him with dialysis this am, but the surgeon thought with his low platlets it would be too risky to do the surgery today. They will reassess in the morning. Bobs red blood is still decent, and the really good news is that it looks like he's kicked the blood infection. Now we just have to get his kidneys up and running, stop all the fevers, raise the platlets and plasma, and get him breathing on his own without life support. The doc says they see little improvements every day and he's headed in the right direction.

Thanks to all of bob's and my friends for the encouraging emails and comments. It's amazing how you can see peoples true colors in the face of adversity.

Keep praying for him,

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. good news about the blood infection. we are continuing to pray for you Bob.

    Michele, we are praying for you too. I can't imagine how tired and emotional you are. I pray that you stay strong thru all of this as well.

    Julia & Matt Ladewski

  2. That is such great news! Bob is such a fighter and you are so strong to fight right along side him. Keeping the prayers headed your way.

    Tell Bob I will watch Burn Notice for him tonight and give him an update :-)

    Leslie Flick

  3. Hi Michelle,

    Happy to see some promising news about Bob. You hang in there - you are doing a wonderful thing staying right there with him - it isn't easy, but that's what loving someone is all about! I told everyone here about the blood drive and all are ready and waiting. Shiv also said something about doing a drive in Atlanta. So let us know - we are here to support Bob in anyway we can - wish we could do more!! Love you guys! Dona

  4. michelle,
    i know bob is in crisis, but if it wasnt for you we would all be left in the dark. you are doing an amazing job!!!! please remember to take care of you, while your looking after bob. you cant ask the right questions if your unable to focus. hang in there!

