Monday, September 7, 2009

The eagle has landed.... Bob is HOME!!!!!

Family and friends,

It is with great joy that I can finally say that Bob is home!! He got home late last night, I made the couch up for him today and he is getting around with a cane in the house. Christopher stopped by to visit today for about an hour and he and I played while Bob watched. The smile that came across Bob's face was priceless. It is a time for happiness and celebration today.

Bob's counts are still low and according to the doctor may be dropping still so he may have to go into the hospital on an outpatient basis for a blood transfusion every couple of days. Tomorrow I am going to go back to work and Bob is going to spend the day with his parents.

I cannot even begin to thank everyone for all the love and support you have provided Bob and I over the past 70 something days. Bob still has 2 more rounds of Chemotherapy to go over the next two months. I will be still keeping up this blog daily as his progress continues, so please keep reading!! He still has a long road to recovery.

Love and thanks,


  1. Wonderful news Michele!! We are so happy to know that Bob is home and on the road to recovery!! We'll still keep him in our prayers!!

    Keep up the good work!!
    Christy, Tim, Nicky and Uncle Rich & Aunt Rosie

  2. Great news! Keep up the good work Bob.

    Mike Busch

  3. Absolutely amazing! Keep up the good fight.

  4. Congratulations - there is no better place for healing!
