Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bob has a cold... and blog reflections

Family and Friends,

Bob got out of the hospital late Tuesday but yesterday started showing signs of coming down with a cold. I was very worried last night because Bob's immune system is so weakened that any little thing can progress very quickly into something large and life threatening. So we went to the doctor this morning and his oncologist prescribed him a ZPac and either Sudafed or Mucinex and said as long as he doesn't get a fever he should be okay. The good thing is that Bob's levels are starting to slowly go up on their own. His hemoglobin this morning was 9.9 and platelets at 29,000 so he won't need any transfusions today. We just have to monitor him closely for any signs of fever, but so far he hasn't had any.

That being said, I'd like to stop for a minute and say something about this blog. I write this blog for all of our family and friends to keep everyone up to date regarding Bob's progress. I know at times I can be a little harsh about what's going on, but because I have an iPhone I have the ability to write from anywhere and usually right as everything is happening. So the majority of my posts are uncensored and mostly stream of conciousness, and I usually don't take time to sit down and reflect before writing them. I know at times I can be hard on both the doctor's and the nurses that are providing care for Bob, but I feel it's my obligation to be thorough because Bob's life is at stake. That being said, I would like to say that for the most part I have been very impressed with the care that Bob has received at Bethesda as well as with his oncologist. She is a good doctor and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone. I realize that everyone is human and sometimes things just slip through the cracks, but I am confident that she has Bob's best interests in mind. She has gone out of her way to be there for both Bob and myself throughout this process, and has been patient and has answered all of our questions. I realize that sometimes I should stop and say a few good things in this blog as well and going forward I will do more of this.

Finally, I met with the people from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society yesterday morning regarding "Woman of the Year" fundraising event for next April that Bob's doctor recommended me for. I have decided that I will participate and try to give back to a cause that has deeply affected Bob's family. I will post more about this at a later date.

Thanks for all the recent emails and phone calls about Bob. I read all the comments posted on this blog as well and even though I may not respond to all of them, they are all very much appreciated. Please continue to keep Bob in your thoughts and prayers.
Love and thanks,


  1. Bob & Michele,
    What a team you guys are. And what an emotional roller coaster you have been on the past several months. As you know there are many of us in the powerlifting community that love and respect Bob and are praying for his full recovery! These are the times when the meaning of the word "Strength" takes on a wholly and deeper meaning. I think guys have earned a super elite status! Keep hammering!
    Larry "Iron" Smith

  2. Hello,
    My name is Dr. Lee Angle. I have met Bob on occasions at powerlifting meets and was always impressed by his seemingly endless positive attitude. I have followed this blog from the beginning and am ashamed that I am only now writing this. I am an Upper Cervical doctor. Upper cervical is a chiropractic specialty. We deal with the brain stem and brain stem function. The entire body and all functions are regulated by messages from the brain stem. It is the switchboard for our body functions. I know Bob's immune system is severely suppressed from the chemo. I know he has also had difficulty keeping his blood counts up. These are things that upper cervical has had tremendous success correcting. I know you research everything, here is a website to start I urge you to take a look and get an idea of the possible effects. Please call me at 864-316-8404 or email me at if you have any questions. I honestly believe this could be life changing and life saving for Bob. Thank you for your time.
