Monday, December 14, 2009

The weekend and today - from Bob

Weekend of 12/12 & 12/13
It was a great weekend. Christopher slept over on Saturday night. Life felt normal again for a little while. Michele and I spent most of the afternoon finishing up Christmas shopping and buying my Mom a birthday present. I was really tired afterwards. The smallest bit of walking still wears me out. I'm going to start on the bike tomorrow and doing some light resistance training with thera bands. I'll outline my needs and goals tomorrow. After taking a couple of hour break, we picked up Chris and then headed to the Christmas light show with Michele's family. They had a small fair and we played some games, did some sand art, and he ate some cotton candy. The light show was okay, but really loud. My son doesn't like loud. He did okay and we made it thru most of the show before it was time to head out. On Sunday we woke up and Michele made us breakfast of pancakes and bacon. Chris LOVES bacon. We then watched some Ben 10. In the afternoon we went to my parents house to celebrate my Mom's birthday. Chris, my Dad, and I watched some football. It was a great weekend.

Monday 12/14
Had my Oncologist this morning at 8. I didn't get a copy of my blood work, but everything was improved. I do know my platelets were up to 44,000. So, hopefully no more transfusions for me. I go back again on Thursday and should get my Picc line out then. I do have to have my next bone marrow aspiration sometime next week. This should confirm that I am cancer free and can get back to leading a normal life after I get back in shape.I'm going to spend the rest of the day laying around reading and watching TV. I'll pick Chris up after school and then just relax after I drop him off.


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