Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday December 15th- from Bob

Tuesday 12/15
Well, I had planned on starting to do a little bike today, but my body still isn't ready. I'm hoping to get on the bike next Monday. I still get winded going up the stairs and my heart rate and blood pressure go through the roof. So, I am going to do some Wii fit stuff tonight with Michele. It isn't much, but I need to start somewhere.
Here are the issues I am having:
1-Resting heart rate is around 100. Need to get this down.
2-Blood pressure is good. Usually 120-125 over 75-80. The problem is the slightest bit of movement shoots it up. Basically I'm in terrible shape.
3-I am very weak. I need to start getting in some resistance training. I will most likely do that next week as well.
4-I still have some areas in my quads that don't have full feeling back. I need to start hitting those areas with the foam roller.
5-I have become more inflexible. I need to get some mobility and flexibilty work going in the near future as well.
6-My diet needs a little cleaning up, but overall it has not been too bad.


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